remember the other day when we told you about the radio interview opportunities
on both coasts, and shared the title, “Richard Coast
to Coast”? Well, I just thought I’d like
to add some thoughts to that whole experience.
Sunday, at the little congregation I assist with, I shared a couple of
thoughts, that have actually come back in an interesting way. I was discussing with the folks how important
it is not to limit the possibilities God might bring into our lives. The illustration I used is that some 15 years ago during my divorce proceedings, I never would have imagined that God would use the divorce to create a book that would be helpful to people. I never would have imagined that I would be on radio programs from "coast to coast." All that has happened has been somewhat unbelievable to me.
see, the rejoicing isn't that I am
getting these opportunities, it is that I believe God is doing some amazing things, and including me in them. You see, I also shared with the folks Sunday
from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (I’ll let YOU look it up), that God brings things in
our lives, teaches us and helps us not merely so that we have some good
experience or healing. Rather, God
expects us to take what He does and pass it along, to become an agent He can
use to help others with the things He has used to help us. And that, of course, is really all the book
is, after all. I simply share there some
of the things that were helpful for me, or that I have learned by experience
can be useful for others. I really
believe putting together the book was something God challenged me to do, and in
following that challenge, I have seen His hand at work in these marvelous
ways. So it isn’t ME I want you to be
impressed with…it is that God does wonderful things in and through us when we
make ourselves available for use.
So the
funny thing? I was visiting with a bookstore manager the other day about scheduling a book signing event at the store, and among the other coincidental bits of conversation, he raised this same verse from Corinthians, and the same perspective of simply passing along the things God has done. I was struck by the “coincidence.”
Well, the challenge for you today is to consider what there is in YOUR life that
could be passed along to others for God to use.
There may even be ways God will work something good from the despair of your divorce. I believe each of us has something, if we will but take the time to notice. And I also believe there are those around you
and me who need what it is God has placed in our lives…..again, if we take the
time to notice. Keep your eyes peeled.
TL:dr God has given us each something to share, and
when He uses it, that is a cause for rejoicing.
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