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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Value of Feedback

Got a few emails from blog readers recently, and wanted to share some things that struck me as I read over them.  And, by the way, it is always good to hear feedback from you readers…..both encouragement and suggestions are always appreciated. 

Anyway, there were four emails in particular that caused me to reflect.  One was from a young fellow in ministry, who is happily married.  In his case, he didn’t feel the need to connect with this blog, because it wasn’t relevant for his life.  I am very pleased that is the case, it implies his marriage is sound and things are going well…..and that is always good. 

The second email was from a pastor who has long been retired, and his comment was that in reading through the posts, he has learned a lot about what it must be like to have to go through a divorce.  That made him appreciate the many faithful years he and his wife have had in marriage, and all the things he was spared by not having experienced divorce.  But, interestingly enough, he also observed parallels between the divorce experience and other life experiences of separations, losses and fresh starts, and applied what he read to those situations.

The third email was from the wife of a pastor who has been in ministry many years.  They, too, are happily married and have been for many years.  She tells me that reading the blog has given her an awareness about these things that will impact her interactions with people divorcing, that she anticipates being more sensitive, more patient……other things. 

All of that is kind of the point of the whole thing.  If you are not divorced or connected with someone who is divorcing, then much of this may not apply to your life at all.  On the other hand, like the second person, it may help you appreciate what you DO have in your life, and there may be lessons that apply in other areas of your life.  OR…..and this is my favorite……if you are not directly impacted with divorce, the blog and book may help you understand better the great struggle that divorcing people often experience.  These may give you tools and sensitivity to be an effective friend and support for struggling friends.  Additionally, it gives you something you can refer your friends to for their own participation or benefit……encourage them to download the book (still working out details on the paper copy…will let you know), or send them the link to the blog.  They don’t have to be alone.

And then, there is the fourth email.  It was from a woman who is a widow.  She has found that much of the material in the book and on the blog can easily be adapted to the experiences she has had in her widowhood.  Perhaps you, too, have areas in your life that can be enhanced and enriched through these contacts.  Well, whatever your track you fit into, thanks for reading!

TL:DR  People have found varying usefulness to the things shared in the blog, whether divorced or not.  It all depends on one’s perspective.

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