Launched to Fail
Did you see that movie, “Failure to Launch”? Where the parents have a son who refuses to
grow up enough to move out and live a responsible life? Well, had a conversation with a friend the
other day that perhaps reverses that thought just a bit. We were talking about divorce, and the sense
of failure that is part of the process.
So, is failure the key word, do you think? And in what ways?

If you believe, as I do, that the intent of marriage is for
life, then when you experience divorce, as I have, then, indeed, you have come
out of a “failed” marriage. What
marriage was intended to be, what you have vowed and committed yourself to did
not materialize… failed to fulfill the goal. But does something failing equate to being a
failure? And if something failed, does
that mean the participants failed, or were failures? Maybe, but maybe not. At least, in some senses. My friend felt clearly that failure was an
appropriate term. I have some other
thoughts. And maybe everything isn’t on
a pass/fail grading scale… least in some sense. I
better explain.
If a baseball player gives his very best all season long,
maybe even breaking some records along the way, but his team does not win the
championship, is he a failure? Or for
that matter, is the team a failure?
While acknowledging that the ultimate goal is to win the championship
games, I think most of us would not impute failure to one member of the team,
when we are aware it takes more than one person to make that team succeed. And, we are also aware that sometimes coaches
and managers with all honesty will admit that a season wasn't about winning and
losing, but experience and growing. So
while it failed to reach the ultimate goal, the season may not have been a
complete failure.
In that analogy, I would suggest that “failed” can be used
to describe a marriage ending in divorce, but the term failure probably ought
not to be applied wholesale to the individuals involved, nor to the marriage as
a whole. Just as it takes two people to
make a marriage work, it also takes two people for it to fail. Perhaps one is more at fault than another,
but neither one should accept the entire blame and responsibility for the
divorce. In addition, the vows failed to
come to full goal, but there were certainly things of value that came from the
marriage----children, experience, wisdom, growth---things that would mitigate
usage of the word “failure” to the marriage as a whole.
Another place one could use the word, “failed” might be that
one failed to select a spouse with whom to be able to spend an entire
lifetime. Although, I still struggle
with over using the word fail in these things.
I truly believe that those of us who are divorced think if we knew then what
we know now, we might have chosen differently, but we didn’t know it then, and
for many of us, we did make the best
choice we knew how to make at the time, and did so with prayerful seeking of
God’s guidance. Would you be willing to
say that God failed to guide us effectively?
A quick answer many would give is that we simply didn’t listen or
discern well enough. But, could it also
not be possible that we did follow
appropriately, and that things changed over time, or subsequent choices created
an environment in which one or both well intentioned partners no longer was
willing to follow through. That does NOT
negate the fact that God originally led you to that person, does it? I think not.
And maybe God led you to that person for more reasons than just “till
death do you part,” (although I still think it is the proper goal and
commitment). So what could be those
I would suggest that God often uses thing that seem like
failure to accomplish his purposes.
Think particularly of Joseph dragged to prison in Egypt , which
eventually produced the deliverance of his family from starvation. Or think of a Messiah killed on a cross in
the prime of life and at the height of His ministry. Apparent failures, but “failures” that were
entwined in the plans of God to accomplish God’s great purposes. Jonas Salk, the developer of the polio
vaccine, had done hundreds and hundreds of experiments that did NOT produce a
polio vaccine prior to the precious discovery.
I have heard that he was once asked how he felt about all those failed
experiments, and his response was that not one was a failure, but that each had
taught him something and prepared him for the steps that eventually led to the
discovery of the vaccine. Could it not
be that, in the midst of a failed marriage, God managed to teach you things
that can make a profound difference, even something that can be turned into
phenomenal success? Don’t we always hear
how important it is to learn from our mistakes, to learn from our experiences
in life?

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