or Unnatural?
I like
I fly or drive into Phoenix, I am always struck by the idea that millions of
people choose to live together in a place where there is very little water
naturally available. Most of it comes in through canals directed to various
places, ultimately coming out of the mountains to the north. Almost anything can grow in this area, as
long as you irrigate. So walking along,
I would see three kinds of yards. The
first are the ones that are simply desert oriented. These are yard where people know that the
grass found in yards elsewhere does not survive in the desert on its own, so
they create yards that are more desert friendly, with pea gravel, cactus and
aloe. The rest of the yard is simply a
sandy desert theme. But most places like
having yards with grass. I would walk by
some of the nicest yards, well watered, well kept, that look really great. But right next door may be a yard that has
reverted to sand, as those owners have neglected the needed watering. As I proceed from here, you may want to take
what I share as a metaphor for your own life, or maybe for your marriage or
divorce, because those were the images that came to my mind as I reflected on
what I saw.

like the lush green yards, instead of looking merely at what is, also look at
what could be with a little effort and imagination, and so go about doing the
things to make something more. They put
in irrigation pipes, they set timers to flood the lawn, they plant orange trees
and azaleas, and end up with a pretty scenic spot out of the deal. But it requires a lot of intentional
planning, thought and effort. And some
marriages thrive doing the same thing.

then I also thought more along the lines of the people with the first
yard. The yards are gorgeous, and I
grant that the desert is extremely fertile when things are watered, but there
is also a certain artificial-ness to it all.
In rain forests and jungles, there is no need to try to make things
grow…plants grow and grow and grow all by themselves! In those locations, the issue is more about
how to keep them from taking over! So
there is a sense in which the green yard people in the desert are trying to
make their places something they are not!
And they do it for appearance’s sake, of course, they want their places
to look nice. But even if they make the
yard nice and plush, the truth is, that is NOT the nature of the desert…the
nature of it is to be waterless, and to harbor those hardy plants the thrive
under these extreme conditions. For the
lawns to truly be lush would require a change in nature, the rain patterns to
shift and turn this area into a jungle which, by nature, is a thriving place
for plants.
think sometimes individuals, Christians and marriages all make the same kind of
error in their lives. They do the things
it takes to change the way things appear to make them seem wonderful, but they
never really deal with the core issue of the need to change their nature. The marriage is a sham, the individual is
disingenuous, or the Christian has no depth and is hypocritical. It isn't enough to look godly, we must be godly
if we want to please Him. The need is
for a change in the nature. The couple
in the marriage need to ask God for transformation to help make it what they
cannot create themselves. Paul says in
Corinthians that Christ makes in us a new creation, that the old has passed
away while the new has come, as if describing a desert turned to rain
forest. (Interestingly enough, many
deserts in the world were, in fact, once lush jungles and forests, until nature
does any of this resonate with anything in your
life? I know that in mine, there are
places that need real transformation, not merely a change of appearance. And I know that taking a realistic look at my
situation makes a huge difference in what I expect and what I know I can reasonably
try to create. And I also know that the
touch of God is an absolute essential for areas where my feeble attempts at
beauty leave something to be desired.
Maybe the lawn of YOUR life could use some thoughtful consideration,
TL:dr In life, as in lawns, it is wise to assess
ourselves and our relationships based on the realities of life, and deal with
the real nature of things, not artificial constructs of our own making.
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