God didn't divorce you!!!
So have been working on some publicity
materials for the Kansas Book Festival, where I will have a booth with my books
available. While doing so, a friend
shared a conversation he had with a friend, as he was explaining my books to
her. As he went over the goal of trying
to help divorcing folks in their relationship with God, which can often be
strained during divorce, his friend’s observation was that it made sense, since
being divorced from an ex-spouse does NOT mean that God is somehow divorcing
you, or that you are divorcing God! In
other words, though this lifelong relationship with a spouse has ended, your
relationship with God extends beyond the fall of the gavel in the courtroom. And then, as I discussed this concept with my
wife, her comment was that, though she felt like a lot of other people had
backed away from her during her divorce, she never felt like God had pulled
away. All of which leads to today’s
The wording is odd, isn’t it? To think of God involved in a divorce from
His people? But the experience of
divorce can, for some, feel like it has broken that relationship as well,
because it can feel like you have let God down, or God has let you down, as you
watch the failing of the vows you had once made “before God and this
company.” And it can feel that way
because sometimes God’s people may act that way toward you, like you no longer
fit in, like you aren’t as good a Christian, or even inform you that you aren’t
welcome in their congregation any longer.
Most Christians aren’t that way, I don’t believe, and many of those who
give that impression don’t even realize they are doing so, because that isn’t
what they intend. But that does not
alter the reality of how it can feel.
8 How can I give you up, O Ephraim?
How can I hand you over, O Israel ?
How can I make you like Admah?
How can I treat you like Zeboiim?
My heart recoils within me;
my compassion grows warm and tender.
9 I will not execute my burning anger;
I will not again destroy Ephraim;
for I am God and not a man,
the Holy One in your midst,
and I will not come in wrath.
11:8-9 ESV
So today’s blog is to simply offer an
affirmation in conjunction with my friend and his friend: God is not interested in being divorced from
you. And if other areas of your life
have been splintered through divorce (or other difficult life experiences),
that splintering cannot impinge upon God’s focused and committed love for
you. Don’t let anything ever convince
you that God has turned His back on you…if anything, in these times of tragedy,
He may be pulling you closer as He reaches out with compassion, even in the
darkness of divorce. And I encourage you
to not let divorce impact your desire to reach back to God!
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